Kitchen Sink Mac OS

Kitchen Sink Mac OS

June 02 2021

Kitchen Sink Mac OS

Throw stuff into the kitchen sinkwithout thinking too hard about whether or not its a good idea. Letfolks kick the tires. Those experiences then inform the choice ofwhich features go into the standard.

James Gosling,2007

Kitchen Sink Mac OS

The Kitchen Sink Language (KSL) isabout individuals exploring their ideas for new language featuresby implementing them in a personal copy of the compiler andinviting feedback from the community, all in as light-weight amanner as possible.

Originally embodied as a project with a Subversion repository, the advent of OpenJDK's Mercurial repositories hasmade a centralized repository unnecessary. Now, anyone with an ideathey want to try out can easily get access to all the latestOpenJDK source code, experiment with their ideas with a minimum ofrestrictions, and eventually publish such work on their blogs orweb sites.

While a centralized repository of experiments may no longer benecessary, it is still useful to have a central point of contactfor experimenters. To this end, the Compiler Group invites you toannounce your work on its mailing list, compiler-dev

Rendering engine Browser Platform(s) Engine version CSS grade; Trident: Internet Explorer 4.0: Win 95+ 4: X: Trident: Internet Explorer 5.0: Win 95+ 5: C: Trident: Internet Explorer 5.5. Unlike traditional IDEs with everything but the kitchen sink, you can tune your installation to the development technologies you care about. Be sure to read the Additional Components section after the platform guides to learn about customizing your VS Code installation. Download Visual Studio Code for Mac OS X. DataTables Usage Information. DataTables is a very flexible, advanced tables plugin for jQuery. In SB Admin, we are using a specialized version of DataTables built for Bootstrap 3.

Such announcements should conform to the following simpleguidelines:

Kitchen Sink Mac And Cheese

  • Use KSL: to prefix the Subject line of your announcement.

  • Include a pointer to where others can find more details aboutyour work.

  • Include a pointer to a blog, forum, or alias (not compiler-dev)for any follow up discussion about the work.

Some experiments may mature to the point where it is desirablefor the work to be included in OpenJDK, and eventually in the Javaplatform itself. The first step would likely be to find or createan OpenJDK projectfor the work.


If you have work that you'd like to be included in this list,send your request to compiler-dev at

  • Kijaro: a collection ofideas in a repository on

JSRs and OpenJDK projects with language work

  • JSR 277: Java ModuleSystem
  • JSR 308: Annotations on JavaTypes

Kitchen Sink Macaroni Salad

I’ve recently run into the problem of trying to compile the source for NEURON 7.3a that includes support for parallel NEURON (using MPI) and Python on Mac OS X Lion. Using a number of helpful web resources, I wanted to cobble together an “as-of-this-writing” practice to get a kitchen sink working install for all components.

UPDATED 01-Sept-2012: Added instructions for mpi4py

Because I don’t have the resources to test many version combinations, etc., this assumes OS X 10.7.4 on a Retina MacBook Pro 10,1 (Mid 2012), with a working copy of XCode 4.4.1 installed (available for free from the Mac App Store). I suspect but cannot verify that this will work with many different versions of all of these components. Note: MacPorts is particularly sensitive to very new XCode and OS releases, so right after a new one, things don’t always work right away.

Finally this assumes you have admin access to the computer on which you are installing things and that you will use sudo for good and not evil.

And super-finally, this is basically an aggregate of web sources, some of which I had to modify to get it working. Sources are inline, below. Much is duplicated here because of the transience of web links.

0. Install XCode.
1. Install MacPorts
2. This step will take awhile!1 Open a terminal and type at your prompt ($):

Running: should result in: ‘/opt/local/bin/python’.


3. Now install the message passing interface (MPI) components. On Mountain Lion (10.8.x), I’ve only gotten OpenMPI working, and only from source (and not MacPorts). But on Lion, I’ve gotten MPICH2 working from MacPorts to play nicely with Neuron (sudo port install mpich2). However here are instructions for how to install MPICH2 from source, with these minimal steps:

a. Download MPICH2 from this website. Look for an http link. Do not worry about Hydra unless you know why (and don’t forget to tell me).
b. In the terminal, follow these commands2,3,4:

It installs in /usr/local/bin, which you can verify by running: “which mpicc”. (MacPorts version installs in /opt/local/bin by default.)

4. Install NEURON from source with support for MPI and Python:

4a. Download the latest NEURON. Get both InterViews (IV) and NEURON (nrn) and issue the following commands in a terminal window3,5:

4b. Compile and install InterViews:

4c. Compile and install NEURON with python and MPI support:

$ IDIR=/Applications/NEURON-X.X
$ cd ~/Downloads/neuron/
$ tar xvzf nrn-X.X.tar.gz
$ cd nrn-X.X/
$ ./configure --prefix=$IDIR/nrn --with-iv=$IDIR/iv --with-nrnpython=/opt/local/bin/python --with-paranrn
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo make after_install

5. Add the new NEURON directory to your PATH variable. If you are using the bash shell (often default), edit the file ~/.bashrc by adding or modifying a line that looks like:

where ARCH is most often one of i386, i686, or x86_64 and can be found in the terminal by going to /Applications/NEURON-X.X and looking for one of these.

Free stinkin rich slots. 6. You need to build in support to run NEURON as a module:

This can be tested:

That last statement should not complain at you. Instructions on how to start NEURON with python and vice versa are found on this website.

7. Now, let’s install mpi4py, which is necessary for letting Python handle MPI. I could not get the MacPorts py27-mpi4py package working, but it works from source. It’s important that the right python is run on this command and that it knows where mpicc lives.

a. Download the mpi4py source from here.

b. Now unzip and compile here:

Per the installation instructions in mpi4py, this can all be tested:

This should also have reasonable output. Please leave comments if certain aspects worked or did not work or if anything here needs clarification!

1 I am not sure if numpy and scipy are required for NEURON, but they may be useful to you, and I’ve found MacPorts to be the most straightforward, clean installation of it.
2 Assumes that the file downloaded to your ~/Downloads/ folder (often defaults here)
3 Please, replace the X’s with the version number that you downloaded, such as ‘1.6’ or ‘1.4.3’
4 You may need to issue the command 'sudo make all' instead of 'make all'
5 The trailing ‘/’ may be important. For safety sake, just include it.

Kitchen Sink Mac OS

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